Friday, August 31, 2012

Wedding Vows

Today I finished writing our wedding thank you notes--though I am not completely done addressing all of them.  Goodness gracious we have been so blessed!  While I have been eagerly anticipating the day I would be free of this task, I find my self a little sad it is over.  It seems like the real closing of our wedding day.  Praise the Lord that it isn't the end of the covenant we entered together with God!  In honor of finishing our thank you notes and acknowledging with joy that our marriage is continuing on without that, I looked back in my wedding folder today and found the vows I wrote to Michael.  I cannot believe it's been two and a half months since I spoke them to him in the presence of God and family and friends.  I thought I would share them as I celebrate God's faithfulness in our marriage thus far and look forward to the days to come! 

Michael, in taking you as my husband today I promise to put God first in my life, seeking after him daily so that through his grace and love I may love you better each day.  

I promise to be a strong support for you.  I will communicate with you honestly and affirm you in the leadership role God has given you.  

I promise to be on your team and stand alongside you in times of rejoicing, times of sorrow, and everything in between as we seek to glorify God with our lives.  

I promise to love you specifically, to bring you good, not harm all the days of my life.  I will practice humility both in asking for and giving forgiveness when one of us has hurt the other.  

Through God’s grace, I promise that you may have full confidence in me.  I will never leave or abandon you.  I will be your loving and faithful wife until death parts us.  

Seeing my handsome groom on our wedding day!
Learning to love each other more like Jesus everyday as we walk in covenant with one another.