Thursday, February 5, 2015

Things Students Say About Baby

Michael and I are about two months away from having our first baby and we are so very excited and loved getting to share the news with others. There were however some people I see every day that I decided not to tell right away--my students. This is primarily because of the nature of my job this year. I meet with several small groups of students throughout the day to work on math and reading skills and I worried that to announce such news as a baby coming would prove to be a big distraction and we would lose a day of instruction since we only have 15-20 minutes. This being the case I decided to let them find out on their own as I continued to grow. I also thought it would be interesting to see who noticed when and which students brought it up.

My first students to notice and say something were in first grade followed shortly by a group of second graders back in November I think. Since then almost all of my other groups have asked if I'm pregnant and even several kids I haven't worked with. During this time I have received several humorous comments that I would like to share. These are the only ones I can remember right now :)
  • What's that bump on your tummy? (1st grader) 
  • Is your baby coming in December? (A first grader asked me this in November) 
  • When is your baby coming out? (At least once a week a kindergartener asks me this) 
  • Did your baby come out? (Also asked by kindergarteners almost weekly...umm does it look like the baby has come out?) 
  • Your baby is getting bigger (kindergarten) 
  • Recently in one of my third grade groups: student 1: "are you pregnant?" Me: yes student 2: "again!?" (What?! This is my first baby...)
  • I'm excited for your baby to come out (a kindergartener while rubbing my tummy) 
  • Are you having your baby in the summer because you don't like winter? (A my baby is coming in the spring because that's when baby will be ready) 
  • You are BIG (a kindergartener a few days ago) 
  • When you came into our classroom I saw your baby a little (a fourth grader this week) 
  • And my personal favorite from a kindergartener: "do you have a baby or do you just like to eat a lot?" (Umm both but mostly the baby :) )
When March rolls around I will actually have a conversation with my groups telling them that someday coming up my baby will come and I won't be coming to school to teach them because I will need to take care of the baby, but until that all baby talk will be coming from them and I'm sure I will hear some more silly things.