1. Read through the Bible in a year again.
Means: I will be using the Discipleship Journal reading plan
Purpose: As a believer this is an important part of my relationship with God. I want to become more like him every day and treasure him more every day.
2. Memorize scripture.
Means: I will begin by memorizing James and then will begin memorizing the fighter verses with our church.
Purpose: Same as the above, but along with this I want to be meditating on God's word throughout the day, not just reading it.
3. Pursue a healthier lifestyle.
Means: Exercising with Michael doing Insantiy MWF and Saturday and doing Jillian yoga on T and Th. We are working on switching our eating habits as well to more consistently have healthier meals.
Purpose: We both put on some weight as we got lazy after the wedding and we want to take care of and honor God with our bodies.
4. Learn to crochet.
Means: Practice using online tutorials. First project goal: a scarf.
Purpose: Both of my grandmothers are good with skills like sewing, knitting, quilting, and crocheting. I have always admired their skills and wanted to be able to follow them in this area. So you could say one reason I am doing this is to honor my grandmas. Another reason I want to do this is because once I have the skills down I want to be able to bless others through it.
5. Continue reading quality books...shoot for 12 this year.
Means: I am starting by working through Les Miserables. It is a big one and I want to finish it before I watch the movie.
Purpose: I want to stretch my mind and I missed reading for pleasure when I was in college.
So there you have it...my goals for 2013 :)
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