Monday, June 16, 2014

Two years of marriage!

Two years ago I married my best friend. The past few years have been filled with many happy memories and some sad one too. Our marriage is far from perfect, but I am so thankful to get to do life with this man. I am so thankful for his patience, sense of humor, thoughtfulness, wisdom, love for Jesus and so much more. I have been more aware of God's grace and faithfulness through our marriage than before. I love remembering back with him, I love living now with him, and I love dreaming of the future with him.

Wedding Day

Year one in Italy!

Year two at a friend's wedding

I have been doing a lot of reflecting today about how I can better love and serve Michael as his wife in the years to come and to do this I revisited the vows I made to Michael on our wedding day.  Marriage is a relationship filled with sanctification as we seek to be more like Christ within our relationship.  Praise God for grace through Jesus.  Without it I don't know where our marriage would be today.

Because it's festive and fitting, here are the vows I committed to two years ago.

Michael, in taking you as my husband today I promise to put God first in my life, seeking after him daily so that through his grace and love I may love you better each day. 

I promise to be a strong support for you.  I will communicate with you honestly and affirm you in the leadership role God has given you.  

I promise to be on your team and stand alongside you in times of rejoicing, times of sorrow, and everything in between as we seek to glorify God with our lives.  

I  promise to love you specifically, to bring you good (not harm) all the days of my life.  I will practice humility both in asking for and giving forgiveness when on of us has hurt the other.  

Through God's grace, I promise that you may have full confidence in me.  I will never leave or abandon you.  I will be your loving and faithful wife until death parts us.  

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